The Comprehensive Male Panel gives you everything that’s in the Basic Check-Up panel, plus a lot more including the PSA, Testosterone, and DHEA-S tests. These medical tests help you assess your general adrenal and testicular contributions to testosterone (vital for fertility, libido, and increased muscle mass).
In addition, this panel includes the following blood tests:
CBC (Complete Blood Count) – tests for blood disorders that include signs of leukemia, anemia, blood clotting as well as your ability to fight infections.
Chemistry Panel – evaluates blood sugar levels, liver and kidney function, renal function and electrolyte levels.
Cholesterol Test – evaluates total cholesterol, LDL and HDL levels as well as triglyceride levels to assess risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.
PSA Test – determines the levels of Prostate Specific Antigen (protein produced by the prostate cells). Elevated levels of PSA can be an indication of an enlarged prostate or prostate cancer.
Urinalysis – tests your urine for substances that can indicate metabolic problems or kidney disorders.
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