The Comprehensive Male Panel gives you everything that’s in the Basic Check-Up panel, plus a lot more including the PSA, Testosterone, and DHEA-S tests. These tests help you assess your general adrenal and testicular contributions to testosterone (vital for fertility, libido, and increased muscle mass).
In addition, this panel includes the following tests:
CBC (Complete Blood Count) – tests for blood disorders that include signs of leukemia, anemia, blood clotting as well as your ability to fight infections.
Chemistry Panel – evaluates blood sugar levels, liver and kidney function, renal function and electrolyte levels.
Cholesterol Test – evaluates total cholesterol, LDL and HDL levels as well as triglyceride levels to assess risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.
PSA Test – determines the levels of Prostate Specific Antigen (protein produced by the prostate cells). Elevated levels of PSA can be an indication of an enlarged prostate or prostate cancer.
Urinalysis – tests your urine for substances that can indicate metabolic problems or kidney disorders.
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