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Everything You Need for Improving Health…Naturally. Innovative nutritional supplements that perform like no other products available anywhere.

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All-Natural Menopausal Relief

Recommendations: One tablet one to two times daily or as directed by your healthcare.
Form: 60 Tablet Bottle

  Suitable for vegetarians


"Stressed and Wired" Chinese Herbal Formula

Recommendations: Two tablets two to three times daily or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
Form: 50 Tablet Bottle; 100 Tablet Bottle

  Suitable for vegetarians


Somnolin®Support for Restful Sleep and Relaxation

Recommendations: Two tablets daily or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. May be taken during the day and/or before bedtime.
Form: 30 Tablet Bottle; 60 Tablet Bottle



Mood Support Formula

Recommendations: One tablet twice daily between meals or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
Form: 60 Tablet Bottle

   Suitable for vegetarians


Support for Brain Cortisol Function

Recommendations: Two tablets daily or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
Form: 60 Tablet Bottle


Supports Testosterone Balance

Recommendations: Take two tablets daily with a meal or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
Form: 60 Tablet Bottle


Thyroid Support Formula

Recommendations: One tablet twice daily with food or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
Form: 60 Tablet Bottle; 180 Tablet Bottle


Herbal Formula to Promote Inner Peace

Recommendations: Two tablets two to three times daily or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
Form: 50 Tablet Bottle

  Suitable for vegetarians


GABA & Glutamate Balance Formula

Recommendations: Four capsules daily or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
Form: 120 Capsule Bottle


Male Response Formula

Recommendations: Take two tablets two times daily or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
Form: 60 Tablet Bottle

  Suitable for vegetarians


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